Evan Diego Alvarado

As an artist, musician, and filmmaker, Evan Alvarado has deep roots in the arts and seeks to understand life through a creative lens.
Evan was born in Arkansas, but his childhood years were spent living in the vibrant communities of Miami, FL, and Los Angeles, CA.
After obtaining an AA degree in music from Northwest Arkansas Community College, he dove headfirst into the music scene.
Since 2010, he's been playing keyboards with local reggae and regional touring acts.
He furthered his development through an internship at Crisp Recording Studios (Fayetteville), as in-house videographer.
In 2017, he took a leap of faith and established
AENIMATE MEDIA PRODUCTIONS LLC, a small video production business.
The pandemic in 2020 stripped all event work away, and so Evan was recruited into the nonprofit sector, and since has worked for organizations like The House of Songs, and Creative Arkansas Community Hub & Exchange (CACHE). Creating countless short-form docu-style pieces about artists and the arts community during these several years, Evan found the core of his mission:
Refine his role in society as a storyteller, by highlighting impactful stories and people, and make meaningful contributions to the complex world of media.
(Based in Elkins, AR)